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The National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation (NACHF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, dedicated to supporting the U.S. Army Armor and Cavalry Collection in its mission to preserve the heritage, unique spirit, and future of armor and cavalry. Through the support of our generous donors the NACHF is able to provide funding to enhance exhibit projects, macro and micro artifact restoration/preservation and maintain the Armor and Cavalry Heritage Park located at Fort Benning, GA. 


The National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation manages the recruiting, training and education of volunteers to assist the Collection staff. The volunteers provide critical support in Soldier training, community/public outreach events, organizational tours (schools, veteran groups, reunions, etc.) and Collection artifact restoration and preservation.


​​Most people don’t know the Collection even exists though it is the largest collection of US armored vehicles, and the second largest armored vehicle collection coming from all countries in the world!  Located at Fort Benning, GA, it has over 265 historic vehicles and 66 anti-tank weapons.  It contains the armored vehicle “classics” from all sides of World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, to today.


Housed in a Training Support Facility (TSF) the indoor exhibit area for the Collection is over 100,000 square feet while the “Armor & Cavalry Conservation Center”, next door has an additional 96,000 square feet housing over 9,000 artifacts, the Armor Restoration Shop, the Collection’s Reference Library, and administrative offices.

Today’s collection now truly spans the history of Armor and Cavalry and includes many extraordinary vehicles such as World War I’s Mark VII Tank, the first US tank co-produced with our allies; World War II’s German Tiger Tank 712, and example of one of the most feared tanks in the war; and the M26 Pershing, one of the heroes of the Korean War, to name but a few.  The collection continues to expand with recent additions such as TF 1-64 Armor’s A11 (“Answer to This”), the M1A1 Abrams first into Baghdad during the 2003 Thunder Run.   


The NACHF works work with The US Army Armor and Cavalry Collection to support its mission to provide training on the history of Armor and Cavalry, and the restoration and preservation of artifacts housed in the TSF. This facility presents great opportunities for a partnership that is mutually beneficial to NACHF's mission and the US Army's Armor and Cavalry Collection. Your support allows us to provide much needed assistance to the TSF and enables us to improve and maintain our Armor and Cavalry Heritage Park.

Key Support Functions of the NACHF

1. Provide funding to assist with exhibits in and around the TSF that support training and telling the story that exists in the US Army Armor and Cavalry Collection.

2. Provide funding in support of Macro and Micro artifact restoration and preservation projects.

3. Management an education of volunteers to assist in future training, community outreach events, periodic public access openings, organizational (schools, veteran groups, reunions, etc.) tours, and other events conducted at the TSF.

The Training Support Facility is only open to the public during scheduled Open House dates and times.

The National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation is excited to announce the 2025 Open House Schedule featuring the US Army Armor and Cavalry Collection located at 6078 Bradley Drive, Fort Benning, GA. 31905. 

January 31, 2025               12-4pm

February 28, 2025              12-4pm

March 28, 2025                  12-4pm

April 25, 2025                     12-4pm

April 26, 2025                     9am-4pm Armor Week/ Gainey Cup

April 27, 2025                      9am-4pm Armor Week/ Gainey Cup

May 30, 2025                      12-4pm

June 27, 2025                      12-4pm

July 12, 2025                       9am-4pm 85th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Armored Force.

August 29, 2025                  12-4pm

September 6, 2025              9am-4pm Maneuver Center of Excellence Maneuver Warfighter Conference.

September 26, 2025            12-4pm

1 November 2025                9am-4pm Armor in Scale Model Show.


Located outside of Grange Gate at Ft Benning, GA, this Park is a 

permanent landmark dedicated to telling the story of Armor and Cavalry.

It includes an outdoor display of armored vehicles, showcasing nine of

the Army’s most iconic and recognizable tanks and fighting vehicles. 

The Armor and Cavalry Heritage Park is also the home of organizational

monuments for units such as the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment,

3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry Vietnam Veterans, 77th Armor, 14th Cavalry

Regiment, the 3rd Armored Division, 2nd Cavalry Regiment and the

2nd Armored Division. Future plans, as donated funds allow, include

spots for up to 30 additional monuments recalling history and legacy Armor and Cavalry units and the heroic warriors they represent. Enduring maintenance for the Armor and Cavalry Heritage Park is provided by the National Armor and Cavalry Foundation through the generous donations of individuals, organizations, and Corporations.



Please consider making a tax deductible donation!

Checks made payable to

National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation 

can be mailed to

P.O. Box 5767 Columbus, GA 31906

To donate as a Friend of Armor and Cavalry, click the image below!

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National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation

P.O. Box 5767

Columbus, GA 31906

The National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation and this website is a non-federal entity. It is not part of the Department of Defense nor any of its components, and it has no government status.

© Copyright 2016 by National Armor & Cavalry Heritage Foundation. Proudly created by Naartjie Multimedia

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